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Kyaw Ye Thu

Undergraduate | School of Computing | KAIST





Yangon, Myanmar 🇲🇲


Daejeon, South Korea ðŸ‡°ðŸ‡·

Date of Birth:

September 11th, 2003

Social Media:

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Hello World!


I'm Kyaw Ye Thu, a junior from the School of Computing of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), majoring in computer science and minoring in business & technology management. My two specific areas of academic/career interest are artificial intelligence and education. Concretely, I aspire to do research about intelligence in machines as well as work on improving the quality and delivery of education in the modern age by technical and social approaches. 


I'm fortunate enough to have worked at the intersection of AI and education at Thate Pan Hub. As a volunteer, I've taught introductory courses about AI and computational thinking for young teenagers there, and helped organize a national hackathon for helping them transform their ideas into software programs. In fact, I immensely enjoy teaching and wish to work again as a person who regularly share his knowledge even if it's not as a teacher in addition to my research. 


On the flip side of my nerdy interests, I love doing everything related to football, playing role-playing video games (RPG), and doing public speaking. Also, going to 노래방 and eating something nice outside on Friday nights with my friends are also my favorite activities!

My Story

June 2008 - February 2020

March 2020 - July 2022

August 2022 - Current

Grade School Years

I received my primary and secondary education from Practising High School, Yangon University of Education, commonly known as TTC, in Myanmar. Retrospectively, those school years, especially high school days, were one of the happiest moments of my life when I don't have to think about financial and career-related matters whatsoever. Just study-play football & video games-help with some school affairs.

Gap Years

The gap years were, in fact, unintentional. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the coup in my country, I couldn't help but just stayed in my home most of the time. I'd say it was when I was first introduced to the real world where I have to count on myself to pave my road. Unlike most of my peers, I couldn't afford joining even a vocational institute, let alone a local private university or a foreign university. In fact, various financial, political, and health problems let me down pretty harshly during that moment. The silver lining though was I learnt a lot about computer science by self-studying and got to contribute to delivering IT and CS education to people around Myanmar with Thate Pan Hub. It sounds cliché, but those down periods of mine did make me reflect on my life and taught me to be independent. Had I not have such experiences, I would've been a very different person in terms of what I do and how I think of myself.  

Undergrad Years

With a full-ride scholarship, I came to South Korea to pursue my bachelor degree at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Getting to know new people of diverse background and living on my own, I find myself enjoying the university life. Since this is an on-going chapter, let me still write how it will unfold. 

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